Every year Gabb likes to give back to the community through its Gabb Days of Giving. On November 3, as part of its third annual “Gabb Days of Giving” campaign Gabb is giving away 2,500 free phones to parents. Single parents get first dibs from 10 AM to Noon MT. Then at noon all parents can add a free phone to their cart and check out without paying for the device. The 2,500 Gabb Phones Z2 (a $250,000 value) will be given away on a first-come, first-served basis available at gabb.com. Gabb will also be donating of $10,000 to Single Parent Advocate to support single parents this holiday season.
“We’re passionate about helping keep kids safe and connected, while making safe tech affordable and accessible to all parents,” said Nate Randle, CEO of Gabb. “Many members of our leadership team were raised in single parent households, so we understand firsthand the challenge of communicating with and protecting kids. We hope ‘Gabb Days of Giving’ brings some joy and peace of mind to single parents ahead of the holiday season.”
Gabb Phone giveaway
Like other charities and philanthropic causes anticipating the Thanksgiving holiday, Gabb continues to protect kids and empower parents with giveaways and opportunities for more families to “go Gabb.” Last year, the Gabb Phone Z2 giveaway was a complete success. Starting November 3, Gabb is back for its second year of ‘Gabb Days of Giving,’ leading off with another Gabb Phone Z2 giveaway. For up to 2,500 single parents, Gabb will relieve the worry over the dangers of smartphones by providing a safe smartphone for their children; no strings attached. The giveaway is open exclusively to single parents on November 3 from 10 am to noon. After 12 pm, the Gabb Phone Z2 giveaway is open to the general public.

How single parents can claim a phone
Head to our Gabb Phone Z2 page on November 3, between 10 AM – 12 PM MDT. Single parents can add a phone to their cart and checkout without spending a dime. The 2,500 Gabb Phones Z2 will be given away on a first-come, first-served basis.
$10k to Single Parent Advocate
In addition to the massive phone giveaway, Gabb is also donating $10,000 to Single Parent Advocate, a nonprofit based in Dallas, Texas, specializing in aiding single parents, their children, and their supporting organizations. This donation serves to help single parent families put Thanksgiving dinners on the table this holiday.
Empowering Every Parent
Beyond kid-safe tech and encouraging “life beyond the screen,” Gabb serves as a resource network and information center for parents. Parenting is hard; parenting screen-addicted children is harder, especially for a parent doing it alone. Gabb aims to empower parents with their library of available research journals, articles, social media platforms, and other aid materials on parenting children in a hyper-tech world.
With the constant evolution of technology, and new threats regularly imposing on our children, the need for help and resources is critical. Parents, possibly especially single parents, need to know that they can reach out for help. They need to know where to find the resources to help them successfully raise their children. Gabb aims to be a primary source of information, support, and empowerment for all parents.
What More Can We Do?
Gabb Days of Giving originated to raise awareness and ask the question of all of us: what more can we do? Who are the single parents in my community? Am I helping them? What am I doing to help?
It takes a village to raise children, but for some, that is a village of one. As we all strive to protect and connect with our own children, let us also remember to support and aid our parent community to ensure the success of every family.
Press Release: Read Here
Resources: 100 Top Useful Resources For Single Moms; https://grantsforsinglemother.org/
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