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What Is Perplexity AI? And Is It Safe?

Words by
Jackie Baucom

JUN 26, 2024

What Is Perplexity AI? And Is It Safe?

One of the newest AI tools making news is Perplexity AI.  Below, we will explore Perplexity AI and the main concerns parents might have, while also offering some insights on keeping your kids safe in the digital age.

What is Perplexity.AI?

Perplexity AI is an advanced AI chatbot designed to provide quick and accurate answers to users’ questions. Unlike traditional search engines, which offer a list of search results, Perplexity AI delivers concise answers directly. It uses natural language processing to understand and respond to user queries in a conversational way.

How Does Perplexity AI Work?

Perplexity AI leverages a large language model (LLM)  to process and understand user queries. This model allows the AI to generate accurate and relevant responses quickly. 

When users ask Perplexity AI a question, it will search the web, analyze the information, and provide a brief response. This approach makes it a powerful AI search engine, capable of offering real time information.

Perplexity’s ability to ask clarifying questions ensures that it fully understands the user’s intent, leading to more accurate responses. By mimicking human conversation, Perplexity AI makes interacting with technology feel more natural and intuitive.

Is Perplexity AI Better Than ChatGPT?

In May 2024, ChatGPT received 2.69 billion visits to its website, while Perplexity got 67.42 million. Clearly, ChatGPT is better known. But when comparing Perplexity AI to ChatGPT, it’s essential to consider their unique strengths. 

Perplexity AI excels in delivering precise, concise answers, making it ideal for quick information retrieval. It focuses on providing a direct response without overwhelming the user with too much information. Perplexity also cites sources with each response, giving the user additional resources for further learning.

On the other hand, ChatGPT is known for its versatility in generating more extensive and detailed responses. It can engage in longer conversations and offer more in-depth insights. 

Both tools have their benefits, but Perplexity AI stands out for parents looking for straightforward answers to support their children’s learning.

How is Perplexity AI Different from ChatGPT?

While both Perplexity AI and ChatGPT use large language models, their applications differ. 

Perplexity AI is primarily designed for efficient information retrieval, making it a valuable tool for quick answers. Its natural language processing capabilities enable it to understand and respond to user queries conversationally.

ChatGPT, conversely, is built for more interactive and extensive conversations. It can generate detailed and nuanced responses, making it suitable for tasks that require it to dive deeper. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of the user and the context in which the AI is being used.

Who Owns Perplexity AI?

Perplexity AI was founded by Daravind Srinivas, a former Google and OpenAI employee, and computer science PhD. Under his leadership, the tool has gained a significant user base and continues to evolve. 

Can Perplexity AI Generate Images?

Currently, Perplexity AI focuses primarily on providing text-based answers and does not have the capability to generate images. This specialization allows it to excel in delivering information quickly. 

Is Perplexity AI Safe for Kids?

The short answer is yes, with some caveats. Like any AI tool, Perplexity AI can be safe for kids if used responsibly. It’s designed to provide accurate and concise answers, which can be beneficial for educational purposes. But keep in mind that Perplexity will make mistakes. Parental supervision is crucial to ensure that the content accessed is appropriate and that the tool is used within safe boundaries.

Safety Concerns with Perplexity AI

While Perplexity AI is a powerful tool, it’s essential to be aware of potential safety concerns. One significant consideration is the accuracy of the information it provides.

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Although the AI strives to deliver precise answers, there is always a risk of encountering incorrect or misleading information. Parents should guide their children on verifying facts and cross-referencing information from reliable sources. 

Reliable sources include reputable media outlets, experts, and academics (beware of biases even from these sources). Unreliable sources include those found on social media, blogs, and wikipedia.

Responses from Perplexity AI usually come back with sources listed. By clicking on the source, users are directed to other websites for further reading. Another concern is exposure to inappropriate content. Although Perplexity AI aims to provide safe and relevant answers, the vastness of the internet means there is always a possibility of encountering explicit material. 

Teaching Responsible AI Use

To ensure your child uses Perplexity AI safely, educate them on responsible AI use. Encourage them to ask thoughtful questions and understand the importance of verifying information. Discuss the potential risks and guide them on navigating the digital world safely.

Setting clear boundaries on when and how your child can use AI tools is also crucial. Establish rules for usage, such as only accessing Perplexity AI on shared devices where you can monitor their activity. This approach helps in creating a safe and controlled environment for using the technology.

Alternatives and Supplements

If you feel your child might not be ready to handle an AI tool like Perplexity AI responsibly, consider starting them with kid-safe personal devices. These devices are designed with safety features that protect children from inappropriate content and provide a more controlled online experience.

Additionally, explore educational platforms and tools specifically designed for children, such as ABC Mouse, Khan Academy Kids, and Kids Encyclopedia. 

Parenting Through AI Concerns

AI technology is rapidly evolving, and tools like Perplexity AI offer exciting opportunities for learning and growth. For parents, understanding these tools and their potential benefits and risks is crucial. By staying informed and actively participating in your child’s digital education, you can ensure they use AI safely and effectively.

Perplexity AI aligns with our mission to empower parents and support their children’s technological journeys. If you feel your child might not be ready to handle an AI tool independently, consider setting rules for shared device usage and exploring kid-safe personal devices when the time is right.

We’d love to hear your thoughts! Comment below and share your experiences with Perplexity AI or any other AI tools you’ve tried.

Together, we can create a safer, more informed digital world for our children.

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