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Tech in Steps

The right tech at the right time.

Gabb devices tech in steps

What is Tech in Steps?

Gabb is driven by the belief that kids and teens need a different relationship with technology than adults. Tech in Steps is Gabb’s approach to introducing kids to the right technology at the right time — allowing you the ability to give your kid or teen the tech that fits their readiness.

mom and son looking at cell phone

Why Tech in Steps?

Tech vs Kids

Smartphones were created for adults, and offer addictive apps and functionality that kids and teens are simply not ready for. From social media’s grip on the fabric of society to the increasing threat of online predators — throwing kids into this digital sea before they are ready is not an option.

  • Too Much, Too Soon

    Giving kids internet, social media, and smartphone access too early can increase their exposure to content and experiences they are not ready for.

  • Screen Addiction

    Excessive screen time displaces physical activity by keeping individuals sedentary and impacts social development by keeping kids who should be active isolated and sedentary, which reduces real-life interactions and hinders the development of the social skills necessary for them to thrive.

  • Real-life Dangers

    Cyberbullying, digital predators, scams, and identity theft are running rampant across the digital landscape, and devices made for adults are the doorway for bad actors to connect with your child.

How Tech in Steps Works

Every family is unique. Whether it’s responsibility with devices, ability to spot online dangers, or self-control with apps and screen time, every kid has different needs at different times. Tech in Steps empowers you as the parent to determine the level of access that meets your child where they are.

boy smiling at his gabb watch

Devices for Every Step

Ideal for young kids just starting with tech, the Gabb Watch 3e offers essential communication without internet, social media, or games.

First step Gabb Watch Buy

Gabb Watch 3e

Ideal for young kids just starting with tech, the Gabb Watch 3e offers essential communication without internet, social media, or games.

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second step Gabb Phone Buy

Gabb Phone 4

Made to be kids’ first phone, the Gabb Phone 4 allows calling, texting, safe music streaming, and video calling, without internet or social media.

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third step gabb phone pro Buy

Gabb Phone 4 Pro

Created for older kids and teens, the Gabb Phone 4 Pro offers more features with customizable, parent-approved app access for those who are ready for more tech responsibility.

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