Adding a Guardian Contact to the MyGabb App


You can add a guardian contact to your child’s Gabb profile. This will give the guardian access to your child’s GPS location. A guardian contact can be added to all of your children’s profiles, but you can also set up the contact to view only some Gabb devices.

Guardians do not have additional parental functions including adding contacts, adding preset messages, etc. Contacts & preset messages can only be added by the primary parent. 

Steps to add a guardian contact

Follow these steps to add a guardian contact to your child’s Gabb device:

  1. Log in to the MyGabb app on the primary parent’s smartphone.
  2. Select the hamburger icon in the upper-right corner.
  3. Select Contacts.
  4. Select the blue plus sign in the bottom-right corner, then select Create Guardian Contact.
  5. Fill out the guardian’s profile information.
  6. Select the children you want the guardian to view the location for by selecting the check mark next to your child’s name in the Allow the guardian to view these kids’ locations section.
  7. Select Save.

After you add the guardian’s information in your MyGabb app, they must check their email and accept the invitation, then log in to the MyGabb app on their smartphone using their credentials. They’ll then be able to view your child’s GPS location from their MyGabb app.

The guardian will need to create their own profile for the MyGabb app using the email address specified when you added the guardian contact. They should use their email address & password to log in to the MyGabb app.

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