Gabb is defined by what it provides for our customers. We give parents peace of mind for their children’s safety; we give kids protection from the harms and dangers of the internet and social media; we give families the opportunities to disconnect from their devices and reconnect with each other.
This spirit of giving encapsulates during November as we wrap up the year with “Gabb Days of Giving.” This year, we decided to give special recognition to single parents.
All parents work hard during the holiday season to make it a magical and memorable experience for their kids; single parents carry that responsibility alone. Gabb stands as an aid to single-parent households.
We wanted to do our part for those parents in need. In addition to the giveaway of 2,500 Gabb Z2 Phones earlier this month, Gabb has also provided a $10,00 donation to Single Parent Advocate, a prestigious non-profit organization for single-parent homes.
Single Parent Advocate
Established in 2009, Single Parent Advocate is a local non-profit organization based in Dallas, Texas. SPA provides resource connections, growth-based training, and support for single-parent families in Dallas, Texas, and the surrounding areas.
Additionally, Single Parent Advocate corresponds with families from all over the United States and consults non-profits, churches, and businesses on building a program for success in serving and engaging single parents within their respective organizations.

A surprising one in four American children grows up in a single-parent home. The unfortunate reality is that single parents are more likely to live in poverty as they struggle to balance work and home life.
Single parents have unique needs and issues constantly affecting their efforts to provide for their families. The emotional and financial toll on most of these families creates an unhealthy cycle; as children who grow up in single-parent homes are more likely to become single parents themselves; sometimes, at an even younger age than their parents.
Single Parent Advocate has committed to breaking this cycle. By building resource connections for these single parents, their families have the means to be more productive, more resourceful, and more informed on how to be the parents they can be for their children.
Single Parent Advocate and its expanding community provide needy single-parent families with services like auto repair, school supplies, food, toys, beds, family portraits, and more. Several core values drive the impactful work at SPA:
- Accountability: SPA takes personal responsibility for actions, decisions, and commitments.
- Optimism: SPA focuses on the positive and takes on new possibilities with a hopeful spirit.
- Care: SPA shows love and support for growth and personal improvement.
- Collaboration: SPA supports their team in every aspect.
- Creativity: SPA uses innovative thinking and fresh perspectives to provide better options for each parent.
- Dedication: SPA is passionate about their vision, mission, and plans.
- Faith: SPA is a community organization driven by their faith to openly serve and bring healing and change.
- Honesty: SPA consistently exemplifies integrity, truthfulness, and trustworthiness.
- Productivity: SPA purposely gets things done with high quality.
- Respect: SPA honors, respects, and appreciates everyone.
Gabb and Single Parent Advocate
With its focus on providing for single parents this holiday season, Gabb wanted this $10,000 donation to reach as many single-parent homes as possible. With its widespread network, and equal passion for aiding single-parent families, SPA was the ideal organization for Gabb’s contribution.

Just this past week on November 20th , Gabb traveled to Texas to take part in the annual “Thanksgiving Food Blessing” event, hosted by the We are 1 Community charity. The city of Louisville hosted this event, catered to provide household and holiday essentials for families in need. Among the many booths and establishments present at the event, Single Parent Advocate was handing out holiday boxes complete with craft kits, holiday treats, story books, and more.
Gabb’s $10,000 donation contributed to the provision of over 100 holiday boxes for these needy families. A portion of Gabb’s donation will also contribute to a second holiday event on December 18, where families in need will be able to enjoy fresh cooked holiday dinners.
Along with many families and single parents who pre-registered for the event, Single Parent Advocate also welcomed hundreds of new families into their community. Among the Single Parent Advocate community is Beth. Beth grew up in a single parent household until the age of 7. But when her father returned, he was still not very present.
Today, Beth is the single parent of a teenage boy. She became part of an important community and cause when she was introduced to Single Parent Advocate. She has attended many events and has been the recipient of countless donations from SPA.
In an effort to give back, Beth has also served at many events and helped spread awareness to the needs of single-parent families. She feels empowered to help how she can. “I can’t give money,” Beth says, “but I can give my time and effort.” Single parents themselves can feel empowered by their efforts to aid other families.
Single Parent Advocate is creating a community- not just of single parents in need, but also a community of parents in similar circumstances who can help each other.

Moving Forward
Organizations like Single Parent Advocate further the good work of strengthening families. In this challenging, disconnected world, parents need to feel supported and empowered to stay close to their kids and give them the best life possible. Gabb truly appreciates the efforts and success of Single Parents Advocate.
While two-parent homes face many daily challenges and struggles, single parents have to face their daily struggles on their own. Gabb is working to increase awareness of the needs of single parents and provide them with specific resources to ease their load. Establishments like Single Parent Advocate are going above and beyond for this same cause.
During this holiday season and going into the new year, we’d like to encourage our readers to find those parents in need of a little extra pick-me-up, a little extra support, and offer a helping hand.
While establishments like Gabb and SPA work hard to spread awareness and provide aid, we recognize that the most impactful results come from the people closest to those in need: the extended family member, the co-worker, the neighbor. May we all find ways to spread awareness and lift our parent communities; and thereby ensure great futures for our children.
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