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Suggested Ages for Gabb Devices

What ages are Gabb devices recommended for? We currently offer three devices for sale:

  • Gabb Watch 3
  • Gabb Phone 4
  • Gabb Phone 4 Pro

Gabb Watch 3

The Gabb Watch 3 was designed with younger children in mind. The Gabb Watch 3 has many safety features, and is the perfect first device to teach children digital skills. It’s the perfect first smart device for kids. 

Gabb Phone 4

The Gabb Phone 4 was designed to be the perfect first phone for your child. This phone comes with 15 pre-installed essential apps, and does not have access to an app store.

Gabb Phone 4 Pro

The Gabb Phone 4 Pro was designed with teens in mind. The Gabb Phone 4 Pro allows you to download Gabb-approved apps. There are currently over 200 apps available for you to download. No apps available in our app store have internet access, social media, or a messaging function. 

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